PO Box

We offer subscribing for a locker for safe receipt of postal items at a post office. In a PO box, you can receive postal items mailed to the address of the box.


We offer subscribing for a locker for safe receipt of postal items at a post office. In a PO box, you can receive postal items mailed to the address of the box and newspapers you have subscribed for.

Subscribing for a PO Box

Apply for a PO box at the post office where you would like to have it:

  • Fill in Application PS50a on Subscribing for a PO Box
  • Present an identity document
  • Submit copies of the registration certificate of the company and articles of association (also presenting original documents)
  • Submit the statement of the Register of Enterprises and the power of attorney that certifies your position and your representation rights
  • Pay for the subscription in cash, by card or bank transfer
  • Receive a key

Receiving Items

To receive postal items in your PO box, include the following information in your address:

  • Name of the company
  • No. of the PO box
  • Name of the post office
  • Name of the populated area
  • Postal code


The service ensures receipt of an SMS or e-mail notification every time a new postal item is placed in the PO box.

Apply for the service at a post office by filling in a PS50a application on the subscription for a PO box. Minimum period of service – 1 month.

Type of Additional Services EUR
E-notification (for month) 5,00
Sending an electronic notification (e-mail, SMS) to the subscriber of a PO box about a postal item placed in the PO box.

The additional service is subject to the value-added tax (21%), which is included in the specified rate.


Redirection of Correspondence

For more convenient receipt of postal items, we offer you to redirect your correspondence addressed to your other addresses to your PO box.

Apply for redirection at a post office by filling in an application for redirection or making a corresponding note in a PS50a application on the subscription for a PO box.


 Type of Additional Services Price
Redirection of Correspondence (for month) 14 EUR



The service ensures receipt of a free SMS with a reminder that there are 10 days remaining until the subscription of the PO box expires.

Apply for the e-reminder at a post office by filling in a PS50a application on the subscription for a PO box.

The additional service is provided free of charge.

Subscribing for a PO Box

Type of service Currency Subscription period (months)
    1 3 6 9 12
For a legal person EUR 4,01 12,03 24,06 36,09



The service is subject to a 21% value-added tax, which is included in the specified rate.