To save your time and effort, authorize another person to receive your postal items.
Receiving postal items with an authorization letter
Draw up an authorization letter at a post office:
- Present your passport or ID
- Specify the full name and personal identity number of the person to be authorized
- Choose between a permanent authorization and a temporary authorization for a particular period of time
- In order to draw up an authorization letter, the person to be authorized may not be present
Submit the authorization letters that are certified either notarially or by an orphan’s court
- The notarial or orphan’s court certification is necessary to ensure that the authorization has been given by the particular person because the notarial deeds, which are drawn up by a sworn notary, are public documents and they are not contestable. The authorization letter must indicate the authorization to receive postal items
Submit authorization letter electronically:
- Sign authorization letter with a secure electronic signature
- Send it to
- Before receiving mail in the post office inform the employee that you have an electronically signed and submitted authorization letter.
An authorized person can receive postal items at the delivery address or a post office by presenting the authorization letter and a passport or an identity card.