Postal item redirection
Postal Item Redirection is an additional service of Latvijas Pasts that ensures redirection and delivery of postal item to the address of your choice, or Latvijas Pasts delivery place that is different from the initial address or delivery place.
A postal item can be redirected:
- to your chosen post office in Latvia,
- to your specified address in Latvia,
- to a Latvijas Pasts parcel locker in Latvia.
To redirect a postal item on the website:
- Upon receiving an SMS about the receipt of a postal item addressed to you in a post office, you visit the special redirection website using the unique link indicated in the text message, select the new postal item delivery address or parcel locker and redirect the postal item,
- when a postal item is redirected to the new delivery location, you will receive a new SMS with an invitation to receive or redirect it again.
This service is not available for the following postal items:
- postal items subject to customs control,
- registered or insured postal items for receiving a Latvijas Pasts parcel machine accompanied by a Delivery notice,
- cash-on delivery postal items for receiving in a Latvijas Pasts parcel lockers,
- postal items intended for receipt in a Latvijas Pasts parcel locker,
- parcel locker postal items exceeding the postal item dimensions defined by Latvijas Pasts – 38cm x 38cm x 58cm;
- postal items if sender has not provided recipient's telephone number and receipient has not applied to receive electronic notifications.
Terms and Conditions of the Postal Item Redirection service are published here.
Rates of the Postal Item Redirection service
Rate EUR (including VAT) |
Redirection destination |
After item is received in Latvijas Pasts |
Postal office of Latvijas Pasts |
1,89 |
Chosen address |
4,99 |
Parcel terminal of Latvijas Pasts |
1,39 |