Customers of Latvijas Pasts made their choice for best postal carrier and best post office operator of each region


The customers who took part in the contest of letters Mans pastnieks (My postal carrier) organized by Latvijas Pasts and Latvijas Avīze made their choice for the best postal carriers and post office operators in each region of Latvia in 2013. A total of almost 100 postal carriers and post office operators of Latvijas Pasts were proposed for each of the titles. The customer's letters emphasize not only the professional skills of the company's employees, but also their personal qualities, which are an integral aspect of the daily activities of postal carriers and post office operators.

Based on the customers' opinion, the following candidates were chosen as the best postal carriers: Dzidra Litauniece from Riga post office No. 9 in Riga region, Baiba Dimza from Brocēni post office, Brocēni Municipality in Kurzeme region, Irita Laure from Gulbene post office No. 9, Gulbene Municipality in Vidzeme region, Natālija Kurša from Jēkabpils delivery point No. 2, Jēkabpils Municipality in Zemgale region and Ilmārs Dzalbs from Krāslava post office No. 1, Krāslava Municipality in Latgale region.

The title of the best post office operator, as voted by the customers, was awarded to: Mudīte Lūse from Murjāņi post office, Sēja Municipality in Riga region, Sandra Prontekere from Jaunpils post office, Jaunpils Municipality in Kurzeme region, Aiga Čerbikova from Jaunanna post office, Alūksne Municipality in Vidzeme region, Biruta Žagata from Ķegums post office, Ķegums Municipality in Zemgale region and Lorita Plakoše from Asūne post office, Dagda Municipality in Latgale region.

The postal carriers and post office operators with the highest assessment rates will receive valuable prizes from Latvijas Pasts. The award event with the attendance of the award winning employees, as well as representatives of the board of Latvijas Pasts and Latvijas Avīze is scheduled for April.

In their letters, the customers of Latvijas Pasts express their high appreciation of the services provided by the postal carriers and post office operators, highlighting the professional skills of the employees, such as approachability, accuracy and accountability. Almost every letter spotlights the employees' qualities which are not directly related to their professional roles and responsibilities. It should be noted that sometimes, as commonly is the case with rural areas, a postal carrier delivers not only print media and mail to its customers, but also goods from a local store or pharmacy, as well as gives a helping hand in various everyday circumstances. There have even been situations where a customer's life was saved thanks to Latvijas Pasts workers.

The customers' letters also describe amusing incidents in the daily activities of the postal workers and some even include poems dedicated to the postal carriers and post office operators. The prize from the Latvijas Avīze newspaper office, which is a gift certificate valued at EUR 50 for subscription to print media, and a set of the stamps released by Latvijas Pasts in 2013 have been awarded to the authors of the most fascinating stories sent for the contest: Maija Martinsone from Riga, Maiga Bula from Sēja Municipality, Olga Stulpēne from Kārsava and Dzintra Krūmiņa from Jēkabpils. Their letters will be published in the newspaper Latvijas Avīze.

This was the third time that Latvijas Pasts called for the people to vote for their favorite postal carrier and post office operator, but this was the first time that the title of Mans pastnieks was awarded to the best postal carrier and post office operator in each region of Latvia.

About SJSC Latvijas Pasts

Latvijas Pasts ensures the widest availability of postal services throughout Latvia by maintaining more than 600 post offices. The primary function of the company is provision of the universal postal service; Latvijas Pasts also provides commercial transport, express mail, payment, press subscription, retail and philatelic services. Latvijas Pasts is a wholly State-owned company with more than 4,000 employees.

Additional information:
Agija Tērauda
Public Relations Specialist
Phone: +371 67608506