Customers of Latvijas Pasts voted for best postal carriers and best post office operators


Customers of Latvijas Pasts voted for best postal carriers and best post office operators

The customers who took part in the contest of letters Mans pastnieks (My postal carrier) organized by Latvijas Pasts and Latvijas Avīze made their choice for the best postal carriers and post office operators in each region of Latvia in 2014. The contest was held for the second year; therefore, this time we received more feedback, letters and words of encouragement than last year. A total of almost 100 postal carriers and post office operators of Latvijas Pasts were proposed for the awards. The customers’ letters speak highly of not only the professional skills of the company’s employees, but also their personal qualities, which are an integral aspect of the daily activities of postal carriers and post office operators.

The winning postal carrier of Riga Region is Aleksandrs Goverdovskis from Melluži post office who was described as very helpful and approachable in the customers’ questionnaires.

The absolute winner of Zemgale Region is the postal carrier Kristīne Sakse from Lēdmane post office. In the words of the customers, “Kristīne is a patriot of the post office”. The winner of Kurzeme Region is Irēna Kalmane from Dundaga post office who was described by the customers as very helpful, meticulous, diligent and accountable.

People from Vidzeme cast most votes for the postal carrier Elita Jarvelahte from Mazsalaca who, in the customers’ opinion, is approachable, helpful, accurate and diligent – a true family postal carrier, while the customers from Latgale Region wrote about and voted for the postal carrier Anita Pauniņa from Preiļi post office No. 1 who was described as a helpful, sociable and knowledgeable employee.

Aija Bērziņa, the author of one of the questionnaires, wrote the following about Kristīne Sakse: “Kristīne is the right person in the right place! Always polite, helpful and accurate, she does her work with a full sense of responsibility and performs her postal duties with great enthusiasm. I know this because I used to work as a post office operator and also as a postal carrier. Kristīne is a patriot of the post office – she is always very friendly and welcoming. I can assure you that people of Lēdmane parish love and respect her and anyone will say only good and loving things about her.” 

The postal carriers and post office operators with the highest assessment rates will receive valuable prizes from Latvijas Pasts. The award event with the attendance of the award winning employees, as well as representatives of the Board of Latvijas Pasts and Latvijas Avīze is scheduled for April. Latvijas Pasts Chairman of the Board Arnis Salnājs is proud of his employees and he would also like to express gratitude to the people who, in spite of their daily work, have found the time to fill out the questionnaires and write so many good words for postal employees. Latvijas Pasts team is ready for new goals and challenges so that there are even more heartwarming letters next year.

To quote Guntars Kļavinskis, Chairman of the Board at AS Lauku Avīze: “We say a big thank you to every postal carrier who delivers our newspaper to the most remote farmhouses on a daily basis, bringing along not only the necessary everyday things, but also the warmth of the heart. A postal carrier is the most eagerly awaited visitor in many homes every day, as evidenced by these cordial letters from our readers.”

In their letters, the customers of Latvijas Pasts express their high appreciation of the services provided by the postal carriers and post office operators, highlighting the professional skills of the employees, such as helpfulness, accuracy and accountability. Besides, the letters spotlight the employees’ qualities which are not directly related to their professional roles and responsibilities. It should be noted that sometimes, as commonly is the case with rural areas, a postal carrier delivers not only print media and mail to its customers, but also goods from a local store or pharmacy, as well as gives a helping hand in various everyday circumstances. 

The prize from the Latvijas Avīze newspaper office, which is a gift certificate valued at EUR 50 for subscription to print media, and a set of the stamps released by Latvijas Pasts in 2014 have been awarded to the authors of the most fascinating stories sent for the contest: Sarmīte Ruste from Vecate parish, Laila Martinova from Valmiera, I.Skrīvele from Korģene, Mārīte Fiļova from Liezēre and Rasma Sakne from Sīkrags. Extracts from their letters will be published in the newspaper Latvijas Avīze.


Additional information:

Gita Valtenberga,
Head of External Communications Management Division
SJSC Latvijas Pasts
Mobile phone: +371 29283386;