Latvijas Pasts releases stamp block Zodiacs – The first-day cancellation of the new stamps Zodiacs – Constellations is scheduled for August 7, 2015 in Riga post office No. 50 located in the shopping mall Origo, 2 Stacijas laukums, Riga, from 7 AM to 9 PM.
This is the first time that Latvijas Pasts has released a stamp block that consists of 12 new and different stamps dedicated to a single theme: Zodiacs – Constellations. The denomination of each stamp is €0.50 and the denomination of the entire block is €6.00. The print run of the stamp block featuring Zodiacs – Constellations is 30,000. The release of the stamps is accompanied by the issue of a special cover with a print run of 4,700 copies.
The stamps and the cover have been designed by the artist Elita Viliama. The stamps have been printed at Baltic Banknote printing house in Latvia.
Zodiacal constellations in astronomy are a way of displaying the journey of the Sun across the vault of heaven. Astrologically, each zodiacal sign comprises a 30 degree arc, while the 12 signs together make a circle of 360 degrees or a cycle of one astronomical year. The Zodiac is also a point of reference for the observation of the Moon and planets in the sky, because they move along the zodiacal constellations. The 12 Zodiac signs are: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
The new stamps Zodiacs – Constellations can be viewed here.
The first-day cover and cancellation are available for viewing here.
The next new philatelic release is scheduled for August 21.
Additional information:
Eva Puriņa
SJSC Latvijas Pasts
Public Relations Specialist
E-mail: eva.purina@pasts.lv
Mobile phone: +37126369315
twitter.com/latvijas_pasts; facebook.com/latvijas.pasts