When delivering everyday correspondence and print media to customers, mail carriers of Latvijas Pasts have to face a variety of difficulties. The biggest of these challenges include stray and roaming dogs as well as mailboxes which are not easily accessible or are of inappropriate size and damaged. To ensure quality mail delivery at the places of residence indicated by the addressees, Latvijas Pasts once again urges customers to pay attention to these problems.
Although it can often be a case that the owners of houses and buildings have not installed and set up proper mailboxes, Latvijas Pasts has one of the highest quality indicators in terms of mail delivery rates in Europe. However, the quality of services is often influenced by a disorganized environment and inadequate safety conditions. Latvijas Pasts provides the delivery of 93% of domestic priority letter-post items the next working day.
Timely delivery of mail depends not only on the availability of a mailbox, but also an adequate access to that mailbox.
For several years, Latvijas Pasts has called on its customers to solve the problem of unattended dogs, however the work of the mail carriers is still complicated by reckless dog owners. In reality, it means a threat to mail carriers’ health and failed delivery to customers, because the postal carriers are not required to risk their lives or health when doing their job.
Latvijas Pasts urges animal owners to be more careful and responsible, because the majority of accidents associated with domestic animals are the fault of their owners who leave the animals unattended.
Latvijas Pasts also asks the municipalities to inform their residents about the importance of the orderly and safe environment and to take care of its monitoring in order to avoid complications for the people and not to hinder the high quality and safety of correspondence delivery provided by Latvijas Pasts across the country.
Additional information:
Gita Valtenberga,
Head of External Communications Management Division
SJSC Latvijas Pasts
E-mail: gita.valtenberga@pasts.lv
Mobile phone: +371 29283386
twitter.com/latvijas_pasts; facebook.com/latvijas.pasts