Specifying the recipient’s mobile number on the item allows the addressee to receive it faster


Specifying the recipient’s mobile number on the item allows the addressee to receive it faster

In order to inform as many customers as possible about incoming items in the form of mobile text messages and thus speed up the possibility of receiving the items, Latvijas Pasts encourages customers to always indicate the exact mobile phone number of the recipient when preparing items for sending. Invitations in the form of a mobile text message are delivered for both ordinary and registered items and are not used for any purpose other than informing the customer about the item. Text messages regarding the delivery of ordinary items are sent whenever the weight or size of the item prevents it from being placed in the letter-box and the correct mobile number is specified on the item, while in regard to registered items the customers must specifically apply for receiving mobile invitations in a way most convenient to them.

Over the recent years, Latvijas Pasts has been actively providing a significant share of its services in the digital environment, avoiding duplication of functions and waste of paper resources, thus accelerating the item processing and delivery processes.

One of the implemented digitisation projects refers to the delivery of invitations for the receipt of items in the form of mobile text messages – for ordinary items since the end of 2017 and for registered items since mid-2018. In June 2019 the number of invitations delivered to the customers of Latvijas Pasts in the form of mobile text messages regarding the receipt of registered items exceeded 50% of the total number of invitations. 

In order for customers to receive mobile text messages about their items in a timely manner without the need to wait for paper notifications in their letter-boxes, Latvijas Pasts encourages customers to always indicate the correct mobile phone number of the recipient when preparing items for sending. The mobile phone numbers indicated on the items are not used for any other purpose and their only function is to inform the customer of the receipt of the item.

If the mobile phone number is clearly visible on an ordinary item, the text message regarding it will be automatically delivered whenever the weight or size of the item prevents it from being placed in the addressee’s letter-box.

As far as mobile text messages regarding registered items are concerned, Latvijas Pasts invites customers to apply for their receipt in one of the four ways which suits them best: by marking their consent for receipt of e-invitations on the information notice when receiving an item at the post office; by signing the application for the receipt of electronic invitations at the post office; by sending the application signed with the secure electronic signature (the sample application form is available on the Latvijas Pasts website) to the Latvijas Pasts Customer Service’s e-mail address info@pasts.lv; or by recording their consent for the receipt of e-invitations in the postman’s mobile smart device when receiving a registered item at their place of residence.

Registered items differ from ordinary items in the way that they are delivered to the addressee against signature; these items are assigned a unique number in the global postal system, consisting of a 13-digit code with two letters at the beginning and at the end and digits in the middle, for example, AB123456789CD, and some of these items can be tracked in the countries that publish this code on relevant websites.

Latvijas Pasts sends several million e-invitations to customers regarding the receipt of items over a year, and this is one of the projects implemented by Latvijas Pasts to improve the speed, accessibility and quality of postal services.

About SJSC Latvijas Pasts
Latvijas Pasts ensures the widest availability of postal services throughout Latvia by maintaining more than 600 post offices. The primary function of the company is provision of the universal postal service; Latvijas Pasts also provides commercial transport, express mail, payment, press subscription, retail and philatelic services. Latvijas Pasts is a wholly State-owned company with around 3,800 employees. The quality measurements of Latvijas Pasts domestic mail deliveries are regularly conducted by Kantar TNS, one of the leading market, social and media research agencies in Latvia. In turn, the quality measurements of the cross-border deliveries are provided within the framework of the International Post Corporation through the intermediary of the research companies Kantar TNS, Ipsos and Quotas.


Additional information:
Gundega Vārpa | Head of External Communications
Phone: +371 67608505 
E-mail: pr@pasts.lv; gundega.varpa@pasts.lv 
twitter.com/latvijas_pasts | facebook.com/latvijas.pasts | instagram.com/latvijas_pasts