Best Latvijas Pasts postmen and post office operators of 2022 according to customers’ ratings have been named


Best Latvijas Pasts postmen and post office operators of 2022 according to customers’ ratings have been named

The most approachable, reliable and knowledgeable postmen and post office operators of 2022 in each Latvian region have been selected in the contest Mans Pastnieks (My Postman) organised by Latvijas Pasts. A total of 999 Latvijas Pasts postmen and post office operators were proposed for either of the nominations and 11,475 residents’ questionnaires were received for them. More than half of the questionnaires were filled in by the customers online. In the questionnaires the customers emphasised not only the professional abilities of the postal employees, but also their human qualities.

This was the 12th time that Latvijas Pasts invited customers to vote for the best postman and post office operator in each region of Latvia through a questionnaire. Latvijas Pasts employs about 3,000 people in about 150 different occupations, with the biggest share – around 70% – made up of postmen and post office employees. The company provides postal services, also ensuring commercial transport, express mail, parcel locker, payment, press subscription, retail and philatelic services. 

Every working day, under any conditions, our employees deliver thousands of periodicals by subscription, letters and small packages; customers are served at postal service points, and various other services are provided even in the most remote Latvian rural homesteads. In rural areas, postmen are often the only link to the outside world for senior citizens, so they value the postman’s work most.

The customer activity in assessing postal employees was similar to the previous year: a total of 11,475 customer questionnaires were received, of which more than half – 7,797 questionnaires – were filled in online

Based on the customers’ opinion, the following employees have been chosen as the best ones in the postmen competition: Daiga Jurdže from Kārsava delivery point, Ludza Municipality in the Latgale region, Normunds Indāns from Roja post office, Talsi Municipality in the Kurzeme region, Solveiga Šķiņķe from Rūjiena post office, Valmiera Municipality in the Vidzeme region, Inga Osma from Jēkabpils delivery point No. 2 in the Zemgale region and Gundega Keiša from Ragana post office, Sigulda Sigulda in the Riga region. 

In turn, the title of the best post office operator, as voted by the customers, has been awarded to: Ilze Doru from Baltinava post office, Balvi Municipality in the Latgale region, Jadviga Inapša from Kalni post office, Saldus Municipality in the Kurzeme region, Agrita Lobuzova from Straupe post office, Cēsis Municipality in the Vidzeme region, Iveta Rence from Staļģene post office, Jelgava Municipality in the Zemgale region and Aija Būrija from Garkalne post office, Ropaži Municipality in the Riga region.

Mārcis Vilcāns, Chairman of the Board of Latvijas Pasts: “There is a responsible and diligent postal employee behind each delivered item. I express my deepest gratitude to every employee of Latvijas Pasts for the work and time invested in making sure that the items reach the customers as quickly and safely as possible. Also, I appreciate each and every Thank you! from our customers – your high activity when voting for our best employees confirms that our work is really important and is valued!”

The postmen and post office operators with the highest assessment rates given by the customers will receive valuable prizes from Latvijas Pasts.

This was the 12th time that Latvijas Pasts called on residents to assess the best postman and post office operator of each region, highlighting their professional abilities and saying thank you for their good work. At the beginning of October 2022 the questionnaires for the contest My Postman were sent out together with the Newspaper and Magazine Subscription Catalogues for 2023, and it was also possible to fill them in online at Using the questionnaires, the customers could vote for the best postal employee until the 31st of January 2023.


About SJSC Latvijas Pasts
Latvijas Pasts ensures the widest availability of postal services throughout Latvia by maintaining more than 600 post offices and an extensive network of indoor and outdoor parcel lockers. The primary function of the company is provision of the universal postal service; Latvijas Pasts also provides commercial transport, express mail, parcel locker, payment, press subscription, retail and philatelic services. Latvijas Pasts is a wholly State-owned company with around 3,000 employees. The quality measurements of Latvijas Pasts domestic mail deliveries are regularly conducted by Kantar TNS, one of the leading market, social and media research agencies in Latvia. In turn, the quality measurements of the cross-border deliveries are provided within the framework of the International Post Corporation through the intermediary of the research companies Kantar TNS, Ipsos and Quotas


Additional information:
Vineta Kļaviņa | Senior Public Relations Project Manager

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