
Special cancellation for Night of Museums

On Saturday, May 15, the special post office of Latvijas Pasts invites everyone to mail a postcard with the special cancellation of the Night of Museums.

During the Night of Museums, everyone will have the chance to visit the special post office in the premises of the National History Museum of Latvia (NHML) to buy and mail a letter or postcard with a cancellation prepared specially for the Night. The cancellation includes the text Night of Museums 2010, National History Museum of Latvia and a postmark indicating the date.

Latvijas Pastsalready participated in the Nights of Museums with the special post office last year. Museum visitors appreciated this promotion and were glad to use the opportunity to send postcards with the special cancellation, so Latvijas Pasts decided to participate in the event this year, as well.

The special post office of Latvijas Pasts, situated in the premises of the National History Museum of Latvia on the third floor of Riga Castle, will welcome visitors on May 15 from 6:00 PM up until midnight.

About VAS Latvijas Pasts

Latvijas Pastsensures the widest availability of postal services throughout Latvia by maintaining more than 600 post offices. The primary function of the company is provision of the universal postal service; Latvijas Pasts also provides philately, transport and express mail, financial intermediation, payment, press subscription and retail services. Latvijas Pasts is a fully state-owned company with approximately 5000 employees.

Additional information:

Agija Terauda,

VAS Latvijas Pasts

Public relations specialist

Phone: +371 67608504

