Latvijas Pasts releases a special envelope on the 100th Anniversary of the Latvian National Archive


Latvijas Pasts releases a special envelope on the 100th Anniversary of the Latvian National Archive

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Latvian National Archive, Latvijas Pasts has released an envelope the special stamping of which is scheduled on the 30th August 2019 in Riga Post Office No. 50 at Stacijas laukuma 2, t/c Origo, from 8 to 19 hours.

There will be 1000 envelopes Latvian National Archive – 100 and the author of the design of both the envelope and the special stamp is the artist and the book illustrator Daiga Brinkmane.

The envelope depicts the design of the facade of the building designed by the Architect Wilhalm Roman Roessler in 1908 in Riga. The building with the current address at Slokas iela 16 has housed the National Archive since 1931 and now is the place of the History Archive. The background contains a text from one of the oldest archive documents dated 1220.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia adopted the resolution on the foundation the History Archive on the 29th August 1919 by defining the Ministry of Education in charge of it. On the 23rd September 1919 the government of Latvia adopted the Regulations on the National History Archive which is the first regulation regulating the operation of archives in the Republic of Latvia.

In December 2010 the Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers was issued providing for merging all the state archive institutions into the Latvian National Archive which started operation on the 1st January 2011.

See the envelope Latvian National Archive – 100 here.  

The next new philatelic release is planned for the 8th September.


About SJSC Latvijas Pasts
Latvijas Pasts ensures the widest availability of postal services throughout Latvia by maintaining more than 600 post offices. The primary function of the company is provision of the universal postal service; Latvijas Pasts also provides commercial transport, express mail, payment, press subscription, retail and philatelic services. Latvijas Pasts is a wholly State-owned company with around 3,800 employees. The quality measurements of Latvijas Pasts domestic mail deliveries are regularly conducted by Kantar TNS, one of the leading market, social and media research agencies in Latvia. In turn, the quality measurements of the cross-border deliveries are provided within the framework of the International Post Corporation through the intermediary of the research companies Kantar TNS, Ipsos and Quotas.


Additional information:
Gundega Vārpa | Head of External Communications
Phone: +371 67608505 
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