A number of factors make it difficult for postmen to fulfil their obligations in a quality manner when delivering postal items. Among them are damaged or non-existent letter-boxes, as well as freely roaming and unattended dogs. According to Latvijas ...
Following the lifting of the emergency status declared in Latvia, from the 10th of June the provision of a number of services at Latvijas Pasts is returning to normal conditions, which were changed with the aim of containing the spread of COVID-19. H...
Eksprespasts of Latvijas Pasts was once again recognised as the best express mail service in the world in 2019 among 198 competing member countries of the Express Mail Service (EMS) Cooperative of the Universal Postal Union. It was awarded the gold l...
Developing the parcel locker network of Latvijas Pasts, the company has increased the network’s total capacity by 15%, replacing the existing lockers with newer and more modern ones or completely reinstalling them in some places. Over the last three ...