To mark the 25th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between the Republic of Latvia and the Kyrgyz Republic, Latvijas Pasts and Kyrgyz Express Post, which is the official postal operator of Kyrgyzstan with the right to issue stamps, make a simult...
The new press subscription season opens on the 1st of October 2018: Latvijas Pasts offers subscription to a total of 749 Latvian and foreign periodicals for 2019. Among them there are 104 newspapers and 186 magazines issued in Latvia. The most conven...
To celebrate the World Post Day, Latvijas Pasts is holding a traditional meeting of Latvian postcard senders and participants of the international movement Postcrossing. During the event they are going to meet one of the best known Latvian photograph...
Latvijas Pasts has released a special cover and a postmark in honour of Anta Klints (1893–1970), a Latvian actress who would be 125 years old this year. The special cancellation of the cover is scheduled to take place in Riga post office No. 50 locat...